Personal Expense Tracker Website

Personal Expense Tracker Website

July 17, 2020

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Hey everyone, Jacob here. I know we post a lot of content on investing but I also think it's important to reduce your personal expenses. Personal finance is also a big player in your overall financial career.

So that's why I coded a website to keep track of my personal expenses and wanted to share it with you.

Basically this website imports a .csv of my personal bank chequing and credit card statements then uses that data to calculate my monthly expenses, earnings, forecasts and budgets for the next month, categorizes and charts my monthly expenses all in a simple online dashboard.

Demo :

Thought this would be cool to share and I also made a Youtube video on how I built it and showing it to you.

Do you care about your personal expenses and finance in general? Let me know if this would help you in the Youtube comments below.
