Day Trader Slang

Day Trader Slang
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Here are some common day trader slang and investor acronyms or words you might come across.

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A/S : Stands for Authorized Shares, this is the total number of shares a company may issue to the public.


Ask Slapping: Trader slang for when a trader who buys shares at the ask price.

Bid Whacking: Trader slang for when a trader who sells shares at or below the bid price. This is abnormal behavior since sellers normally settle for a price between the bid and ask quotes. In general, bid whacking is seen as a negative by other sellers since it drives the price lower.

Bloated: Used to describe a ticker that has a higher than normal share structure (huge outstanding shares / float).

Break Out: When the price of an asset rises or falls in price past a certain level.

BTFD: Stands for Buy The ******* Dip, an acronym for buying when a stock or crypto has lowered in value in a short time period.

Calls: See options below, calls give the holder the right to buy 100 shares of a company at a specific price, known as the strike price, up until a specified date, known as the expiration date.

Day Trader: A trader that who executes long or short trades usually intra-day (not holding overnight).

Daily: Refers to when a chart is using daily candlesticks.

DD: Stands for Due Diligence, the research you put in (fundamental or technical) before purchasing a stock/crypto.


Flip: When a trader buys and sells for a quick profit, usually intraday.


Float : Refers to the regular shares that a company has issued to the public that are available for investors to trade (Outstanding Restricted Shares).


Hearing: A term when there is rumors/speculation of a stock/crypto generally news.

HODL: A meme that originated from someone misspelling HOLD. Means to have a long position for an extended period of time.

Level 2: Generally all brokerages have the option of enabling Level 2 quotes, this allows traders to see current trades associated with the ticker by MMs, their quantity and bid price.


Long / Going Long : The most common strategy for a trader to buy a stock and sell at a higher value sometime in the future.


MM : Stands for Market Maker, a firm that stands ready to buy and sell a particular stock on a regular and continuous basis at a publicly quoted price. Some common MMs are ASCM, NITE etc.


NHOD : Stands for New High Of Day, when a price of a stock/crypto has reached it's highest price for the day.

Options: An option is a contract giving the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (in the case of a call) or sell (in the case of a put) the underlying asset at a specific price on or before a certain date.

O/S: Stands for Outstanding Shares, refers to a company's stock currently held by all its shareholders.

OTC: Stands for Over The Counter, stocks that not traded on big exchanges such as the NASDAQ or NYSE. These securities are managed by OTCMarkets.

Puts: A put option is a contract giving the owner the right, but not the obligation, to sell a specified amount of an underlying security at a pre-determined price within a specified time frame. The specified price the put option buyer can sell at is called the strike price.

$PAYTIENCE : Figure of speech meaning patience will generally pay off.

RH: Stands for Robinhood, a popular commission free brokerage. 

R/S : Stands for Reverse Split, A corporate action in which a company reduces the total number of its outstanding shares. A reverse stock split involves the company dividing its current shares by a number such as 5 or 10, which would be called a 1-for-5 or 1-for-10 split, respectively.


Resistance : A term used to descrive a value where a stock has reached but will not go above. Determined with technical analysis.


Restricted Shares : Shares only available to company insiders such as employees.


Sell-Off : When an abnormal amount of traders are selling a position also called dumping.


Short / Shorting a stock : Opposite of long, is when an investor borrows shares and immediately sells them, hoping he or she can scoop them up later at a lower price, return them to the lender and pocket the difference.


Stones/$STONES : Figure if speech for going long on a stock, see $PAYTIENCE.


$STUDY : Figure of speech recommending a trader has to do more research before making his/her next trade.

Stopped Out / Tagged Out: When a trader is in a position and their target for taking a loss has been reached.


SS: Stands for Share Structure which is an outline of the companies authorized, outstanding, restricted shares and float.


Support : A term used to describe a value where a stock will maintain or not go below. Determined with technical analysis.


Swing Trade : Buying a stock and selling a later date (not intraday).


Technical Analysis (TA): The act of using a variety of indicators to determine if a trader wants to take a position on a stock.


ToS: Stands for ThinkorSwim a platform for trading stocks by TD Ameritrade.

Turd : Slang for when a stock isnt doing very well or has terrible news or share structure associated with it.


Wall: When a large amount of buys or sells stack up in the order queue (Level 2), this can used determine support level and/or resistance levels.

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