I coded a WeBull Trading Bot

I coded a WeBull Trading Bot
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Hey everyone, this is Jacob here and recently I coded my own WeBull trading bot. This WeBull trading bot uses artificial intelligence to automatically places both buy and sell trades for stocks using support and resistance. it calculates the support and resistance lines over recent historic high and low price.

Once the current market price of a stock reaches that support, the trading bot buys that asset and once it reaches the resistance it sells.

I made a Youtube video of me showing a demonstration of the trading bot as well as the download link and source code.

I've been building automated algorithmic trading bots for a while now and I know WeBull is the most common brokerage for us millennials but from my previous research I could never find an API to use for WeBull. In fact WeBulldoes not have an official API, but some sneaky people have scraped and found an API to use and made easy to use for public software developers like myself. With a google search a couple of weeks ago I found at least 3 different unofficial WeBull API's, heck yeah I'm totally coding a bot now!

So I ended up coding it in Python as most of viewers prefer that language probably because it's platform agnostic for the most part working on Windows, Apple and MacOS as well as Linux really well.

I build algorithmic trading bots for a living, both with my own capital and for other clients as well. If your looking for a custom software solution for finance or want a professional 1-on-1 consultation you can reach me here : https://wetradehq.com/mentors/Jacob%20Amaral