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WeTradeHQ mentorships cater to everyone. Learn at your own pace and leisure from top trading mentors from around the world. Whether you have no idea how to invest and want to get your feet wet or you're looking to master your trading skills, we have a variety of mentors that can help you to reach your financial goals.
Over 1,300 students have signed up for a mentorship with WeTradeHQ. The average rating is 4.8 out of 5 for all of our mentors. Many of our mentors and mentees have been working together for a year or more.
Best thing I ever did was join Brad's mentorship. great insight before the bell!. w go over so much before the open! can ask any questions you want. he helps , and the whole group will!
Great insights! Cameron is very straight forward and really wants you to succeed. Very transparent and he doesn't sugar coat anything. I have learned so much from Cameron that has made me such a better trader.
After trying out several different types of trading methods. I have finally found one through Don's mentor-ship that truly has helped me grow my profits. I would absolutely suggest his methods and his style of teaching to anyone new or experienced.
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